72000 Ticks tell the PhantomFalls!
Come be insomniacs with us!
About Us

PhantomFalls.net Minecraft server: ...
Players on PhantomFalls server: 0
Big Chad Guys Plus W/Cobblemon Minecraft server: ...
Players on BCG W/Cobblemon server: 0

Big Chad Guys W/Cobblemon Minecraft server is a modded curseforge server. IP: phantomfalls.net:25560 Info is on discord.

This site is for PhantomFalls Minecraft server.
SMP on HARD with a MMO style gameplay with McMMO Overhaul. We aim to keep it as close to vanilla as possable. Only adding plugins to add more depth to the game.
We have Teleport/Warps, jobs W/economy, chest shop to Buy/Sell, greifprevention to claim your own paradise, Keep your gear/loot after a death with deadchest.
Added a bit of fun with silkspawners, playerkits2 to access if you like, and some fun pets to play the game with.
PhantomFalls world, A challenging new world, rich in rewards, a world unlike any other, test your skills, and retrieve your rewards. You can use warps to get to the world.
1.21.4 backwards compatible to 1.7, cross play between Java and Bedrock. NO World Resets!
On first join you will receive a Welcome book with rules and commands for plugins, you will be teleported out to the world from spawn. To teleport to spawn /Spawn.
Basic plugin commands are found in Welcome book, all commands on Discord.


Minecraft Monday starts 6PM Pacific time. See you there!

Join us on Discord

  1. No Griefing
  2. No Spamming
  3. No Advertising
  4. No Trolling/Flaming
  5. No killing the trading post villagers in community
  6. No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items
  7. Respect all Players
  8. No Racist or Sexist Remarks.
  9. No Mods/Hacks
  10. AFK set to 24Hrs.

  11. Over all we are open to a good time.
    This server allows light swearing in their community.
    [Bullying, Hate Speech, and Inappropriate Chat are still prohibited]


MCMMO Overhaul: MMO Mod with skills, ranks, quests, features and more.
GriefPrevention: Claim land and protect your Loot and Base. World is open to siege and PVP. Claims expire after 120 Days of inactivity.
Stargate: Create portals and link them for seamless transportation. How to create portals
SilkSpawners: Mine mob spawners and keep them. Move them. Use them. Change them.
PlayerKits2: We have kits available to use. "/kits" to see available kits.
DeadChest: Holds and protects inventory/armor of a dead player for 1 hour to be retrieved. 3 MAX
Jobs: Join jobs and make money in the game. Build your rank and skills.
Advanced Teleport: Teleport and warp commands to get around the world. Set 5 home locations.
Advanced Pets: Pet shop with many pets to choose from.
Sign Shops: Buy/Sell materials, tools, weapons, armor, food, exc. With economy.
Better Economy: Build your virtual wealth. Buy/Sell earn money.
VeinMiner: Sneak while mining ore, will mine the whole vein in one block.
SquareMaps: View server worlds. See who is playing. Find biomes and more! Check out world maps
Multi World: We have a new generated world with terraform generator 1.21.3 PhantomFalls. & a test world of Vancouver WA, and Portland OR area.
One Player sleep: Only one player needs to sleep to make it day or clear thunderstorm.
Games and Rides: We have Parkour course, 2 roller coasters, Bowling alley, Drop target, Maze, PVP Arena, and More!

Server Features
Resource pack I recommend

    NAPPS Resource Packs can be found at Napps website

Shaders I recommend

    I prefer Bliss Shaders Bliss Shaders
    BLS Shaders is a solid second BLS Shaders

Play on Java or Bedrock

How to connect with XBOX:
Another set of instructions

Find PhantomFalls at

Official Minecraft Server List
Minecraft Server List
Minecraft Forum
Minecraft Buzz

Banned Players

"name": "TITOJAIME4"
"name": "craft996"
name "LoganAWesome1"
name ".Qrymson"

You can appeal on Discord